Welcome to TEFL Lemon!
Free ESL Warmers. ESL Lesson Ideas. TEFL Ideas. Adult ESL Speaking Activities. ESL Flashcard Games and Books. ELT Articles. TEFL Teaching Jobs. TEFL Courses.
TEFL Lemon is like no other teaching site out there. Rather than spending hours crawling the internet finding good ESL classroom activities, our aim is to give you everything you need right here in one spot. Whether it's new ESL warmers for kids or adults, ESL flashcard games for your classes, some new TEFL speaking activities, ways of spicing up the classroom, getting TEFL qualified with our online TEFL courses, finding new TEFL teaching jobs or just reading some cool ELT articles to while away some time, we hope you find what you're looking for here at TEFL Lemon. Whatever you need for your classes or your TEFL career, TEFL Lemon has you well covered!
If you have some stuff you's like to contribute, then please do contact us! We love hearing from this community of TEFL teachers!
ESL Speaking Activities for Teens and Adults
Empower your older ESL students with interactive ESL listening and speaking activities for adults designed to give your students the confidence to really express themselves in the English language. TEFL Lemon hopes to give TEFL teachers some amazing language practice activities and TEFL speaking activities for teens and adults. Mature content, pitched at multi-levels, so whatever level your English students are at, you’ll be sure to find fun ESL speaking activities for adults here.
Click the Adult Speaking Activities link above or the + icon if you are using TEFLlemon.com on your mobile device.
TEFL Lemon online courses. Some of the most up-to-date English teaching qualifications you’ll find.
The 180-Hour Higher Certificate in TESOL
For years, TEFL Lemon has been provided A+ quality ESL materials for schools and teachers. We’ve now combined our expertise in TEFL along with our material design talents to make a in-depth and engaging online TEFL course for teachers. If you are looking for a quality online TEFL course, which won’t break the bank, then check out our 180-Hours Level 4 TESOL qualification. You’ll find now better teaching course to get you ready and prepared to teach English at home or abroad. Our TEFL course has dedicated tutor support to help guide you through and support your learning, making everything easy and understandable for you. Visit our 180-Hour Higher Certificate in TESOL blog here where you can read the reflective journals of the TESOL course trainees. You can buy the course and enrol here. Use our TEFL discount coupon to get 20% OFF the cost of the course: BIG20
Young Learner ESL Resources
ESL flashcard games, ESL language and classroom games, ESL board games and ESL craft activities are an essential part of interactive language learning experience for children. TEFLlemon.com has 100’s of ESL teaching games and ideas to give teachers choice when lesson planning for a busy week or weekend. If you’re looking for a fun ESL game for kids to put the cherry on the cake of a fantastic English lesson for children, then you’ve come to the right place.
Make sure your kids' fingers get mucky from time to time and check out our free ESL resources for Young Learners. Click the links above for ESL Language Games for Kids, ESL Warmers for Kids or ESL flashcard games for Kids. If you’re using your mobile device, then click the + icon to open the menu.
The best ELT articles out there
The TEFL Lemon ELT Articles
Our ELT articles here at TEFL Lemon provide a welcome relief away from the classroom for serious TEFL teachers. If you’re one of those teachers who like to read TEFL-industry related articles on your phone on-the-go, then you’ll love our articles section for English teachers.
Our ELT articles range from quick two-minute reads to longer 5-10 minute article pieces. These TEFL articles help you stay current in teaching practices and ESL methodologies and are great for sharing with other like-minded teachers. If you would like to write some TEFL articles for TEFL Lemon, then please do get in touch with us, we’d love to hear your teaching article ideas.